FindBugs Report

Project Information

Project: <<unnamed project>>

FindBugs version: 0.9.4

Code analyzed:



Warning Type Number
Correctness Warnings 1
Internationalization Warnings 0
Multithreaded Correctness Warnings 0
Malicious Code Vulnerability Warnings 4
Performance Warnings 5
Style Warnings 0
Total 10


Click on a warning row to see full context information.

Correctness Warnings

Code  Warning
Dm biz.xsoftware.manifest.ManifestUtilImpl.getFile( invokes System.exit(...), which shuts down the entire virtual machine

Internationalization Warnings

Code  Warning

Multithreaded Correctness Warnings

Code  Warning

Malicious Code Vulnerability Warnings

Code  Warning
EI biz.xsoftware.mock.client.JsCalledMethod.getAllParams() may expose internal representation by returning biz.xsoftware.mock.client.JsCalledMethod.params
EI2 biz.xsoftware.mock.client.JsCalledMethod.(String,Object[],Throwable) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into biz.xsoftware.mock.client.JsCalledMethod.params
EI2 biz.xsoftware.mock.client.JsExpectFailedException.(String,Object[],String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into biz.xsoftware.mock.client.JsExpectFailedException.methods
EI2 biz.xsoftware.mock.client.JsExpectFailedException.setCalledMethods(Object[]) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into biz.xsoftware.mock.client.JsExpectFailedException.methods

Performance Warnings

Code  Warning
SBSC Method biz.xsoftware.mock.client.JsMockSuperclass.expectOrderedCalls(String[]) concatenates strings using + in a loop
SBSC Method biz.xsoftware.mock.client.JsMockSuperclass.methodCalledImpl(String,Object[]) concatenates strings using + in a loop
SBSC Method biz.xsoftware.mock.client.JsMockSuperclass.putTogetherReason(String[],java.util.Set,java.util.List,String) concatenates strings using + in a loop
SBSC Method biz.xsoftware.mock.client.JsMockSuperclass$LeftOverMethods.toString() concatenates strings using + in a loop
SIC Should biz.xsoftware.mock.client.JsMockSuperclass$LeftOverMethods be a _static_ inner class?

Style Warnings

Code  Warning


DM_EXIT: Method invokes System.exit(...)

Invoking System.exit shuts down the entire Java virtual machine. This should only been done when it is appropriate. Such calls make it hard or impossible for your code to be invoked by other code. Consider throwing a RuntimeException instead.

EI_EXPOSE_REP: Method may expose internal representation by returning reference to mutable object

Returning a reference to a mutable object value stored in one of the object's fields exposes the internal representation of the object.  If instances are accessed by untrusted code, and unchecked changes to the mutable object would compromise security or other important properties, you will need to do something different. Returning a new copy of the object is better approach in many situations.

EI_EXPOSE_REP2: Method may expose internal representation by incorporating reference to mutable object

This code stores a reference to an externally mutable object into the internal representation of the object.  If instances are accessed by untrusted code, and unchecked changes to the mutable object would compromise security or other important properties, you will need to do something different. Storing a copy of the object is better approach in many situations.

SBSC_USE_STRINGBUFFER_CONCATENATION: Method concatenates strings using + in a loop

The method seems to be building a String using concatenation in a loop. In each iteration, the String is converted to a StringBuffer/StringBuilder, appended to, and converted back to a String. This can lead to a cost quadratic in the number of iterations, as the growing string is recopied in each iteration.

Better performance can be obtained by using a StringBuffer (or StringBuilder in Java 1.5) explicitly.

For example:

  // This is bad
  String s = "";
  for (int i = 0; i < field.length; ++i) {
    s = s + field[i];

  // This is better
  StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
  for (int i = 0; i < field.length; ++i) {
  String s = buf.toString();

SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC: Should be a static inner class

This class is an inner class, but does not use its embedded reference to the object which created it.  This reference makes the instances of the class larger, and may keep the reference to the creator object alive longer than necessary.  If possible, the class should be be made static.